In 2016, Stanislaus County had more than 3,000 accidents of varying kinds of degrees. Approximately 4,000 people experienced some form of traumatic injuries, with close to 70 suffering fatal injuries.
Auto accidents are frightening, stressful, and expensive. In California, the state requires insurance companies to find at least one of the parties in an auto accident “at fault”, meaning that they or their insurance company are liable for the cost of repairs and medical attention resulting from the accident.
The insurance process on auto accidents can be daunting. Since auto accident claims are among the most frequent that insurance companies deal with, if they can reduce claims payments by a small percentage it can result in huge savings to the companies. A Modesto auto accident attorney can help protect your rights and ensure that you’re taken care of.
If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, call Mr. Imburg today at (209) 577-6666 for a free consultation. Mr. Imburg is an experience Modesto auto accident attorney who has a detailed knowledge of insurance company practices, and he can help make sure you can focus on recovery and not on how to pay for it.